It's what happens when there's not enough time during the day...

Bridges, or Benefits of Connecting Our Communities

Jun 29, 2024 / Community North Bay
A bridge can both literally and metaphorically connect people of different communities together.

Back to the Future of Hypermedia in Django

Oct 18, 2023 / DjangoCon Hypermedia
“Hypermedia is your friend”, they said. “You don’t need JavaScript”, they said. “You’ll be fine…”

Python2Nite with Mario Munoz

Oct 05, 2023 / AI Hypermedia
Python2Nite with Mario Munoz is a late night talk show hosted by Python By Night’s Mario Munoz. In this week’s episode, Mario goes back to the future of hypermedia to talk about the resurgence of of an old technological paradigm within the Python space. Could this be the RESTful zen that Python web developers long for? Will he cover it from all… angles? Watch to see his… reaction!

A Python-backed Frontend: Featuring HTMX and Tailwind

Apr 18, 2023 / FastAPI htmx TailwindCSS

Want to bring hypermedia into your web design workflow, ditching the complexity of JSON-over-HTTP for a more RESTful approach?

Create and design your web application with htmx and spark joy in your design process. Splash in a little Tailwind CSS, too. (Ssshh. You're a Full-Stack Developer now.)

so much depends upon... your python app's dependencies

Mar 13, 2023 / Dependency

How do you keep track of your project’s building blocks? Is it enough just pinning your dependencies in a requirements.txt file? Or is there any reason to learn one (or any) in a myriad of dependency management tools?

It depends.

Untangling the complexity of this topic might not be worth it for certain small projects. But there are a lot of reasons why learning about (and using) a dependency management tool will help you in the future.

Find out why embracing proper dependency management can help your project’s predictability, sustainability, security, and yes, even simplicity. Learn how you can use a tool like pdm to help accomplish these goals.